Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Caye Caulker

Greetings from Caye Caulker! I found out it is in fact prounounced “key” caulker, and thankfully I found that out before I arrived, but no after I had told everyone in the states where I was going. Oopsie. It is safe to say that I have landed in paradise here. It is a quaint, laid back little island with only three streets- Front Street, Middle Street, and Back Street. Don’t ever let anyone tell you Belizeans aren’t clever.

I arrived yesterday morning after a sleepless night in Belize City, which I will blame partly on nerves and partly on the screaming match that went on outside my door until the wee hours of the morning. I may or may not have slept with my purse in my bed. I then encountered an entire children’s parade as I attempted to make my way to the Water Taxi station, and had to cross the street between the first and second graders with more than a few strange glances thrown my way. A short water taxi ride later and I landed on the wooden docks of Caye Caulker and feasted my eyes on crystal blue water, tropically colored houses, and palm trees. I am staying at hostel right on the beach, complete with hammocks hanging over the water and our own little dock. I spent yesterday on the dock reading and staring into the ocean, then took a nice siesta in one of the hammocks. I met one of my roommates, Denise, who just happens to be from West Linn, Oregon. Small world eh? So we bonded pretty instantly (yay for making friends!) and went out to grab a bite to eat. We went to this place called Bambooze (no typo there) and grabbed some food and drinks. While there we ran into an array of funny people, and got to do shots out of a bamboo pole. Basically, this guy lowers this long hollowed-out bamboo pole that hangs above the bar, and fits 8 shots into very nicely carved holes. He then acts like a drill sergeant to get everyone lined up (this included soliciting people from all around the restaurant until all the spaces were filled), and he tips the shots into everyone’s mouth. It is similar to a ski shot, if you can picture that. It was pretty funny, and apparently it has been featured on Travel Channel or something like that. After eating and socializing for a bit it was bed time!

Today was spent wandering around the little town, which took about 20 minutes, and then going to the beach, or as the locals call it, the “split.” In the 1960’s a hurricane came through and literally tore the island in two, so where there used to be buildings there is now a deep channel probably about 100 feet wide that separates the two parts of the island. On the other side are a few houses and big forest reserve. But somehow a beach was formed, I’m told it involved piling sand on top of cement, and it is where everyone goes to sunbathe and swim around. The water temperature is amazing, like being in a pool but without the chlorine and four cement walls.

Tomorrow I start scuba dive training ahhhh! Except the first day I just get to watch instructional videos and read a book, which sounds like torture when the sun is shining how it does here, but knowing I get to be diving for the next two days should help me get through it. My friend Denise is also traveling by herself, so we are going to combine forces are go to a few more beach-y places after Caye Caulker, which I’m really excited about!

I hope everyone is doing well at home and in their respective corners of the globe, I miss you all!


  1. Your trip sounds so amazing. I hate you.

    You probably already know, but this message was on the Intranet today: J. Brown (name edited to protect the innocent!) will be moving on from the bar to take advantage of a new career opportunity. Her last day at the OSB will be March 17th.

    Just thought I'd share. Keep blogging!

  2. Hmmm...I wonder who this TacoDave guy could be? Certainly he works at the OSB to have access to the inner workings of the Bar (otherwise known as "The Intranet"), but I don't remember working with any guy who wears a superhero mask as part of his daily attire. Well, there is 90 of us, I could have missed him!

    P.S. I hate you, too, Jen. I want to visit beautiful places, too! :)

  3. My secret identity is a ..... secret. But I can tell you this: I'm super sexy, extremely brilliant, and I know how to spell big words like "extremely" and "brilliant."

  4. Well, shoot, my guess was going to be Dustin because only he's nerdy enough to pretend to be a superhero, but by the description you give...that rules him out.

    Think Jen is enjoying us taking over her bloggywog? Love you, Jen!
