Sunday, November 29, 2009

Le East Coast

Greetings! I realized I haven’t written in a while besides my little blurb yesterday so this may be a bit long…sorry! Last I left off I was in Melbourne and going to Trivia Night. Anddddd my team won!! I would like to think that my correct answer to the last question (what does poly in latin mean? Many) was the deciding factor but we were way ahead before that…either way, go team! I spent my last day in Melbourne getting things squared away and walking around South Melbourne, then went on a pub crawl that night. I met a ton of people I wish I had found earlier and spent a good part of the night talking to this really fun Canadian girl named Joy. My wake up time of 4:45 came far too early but thankfully I slept the whole time from Melbourne to Cairns. I met Claire and Sean in the airport at Cairns and also a sweet girl from Iowa named Anna who I had met in Melbourne. We went to our hostel and spent the first day just walking around Cairns-it’s a funky little town that reminded me quite a bit of Kauai with the palm trees, beach shops and shoeless people.

Thursday we went out on a boat on the Great Barrier Reef. It was incredible-I got my first taste for scuba diving and am officially hooked. I got to see a shark on my 2nd dive and pet this giant fish that would just hang out near the back of the boat. The Reef is about an hour’s drive offshore so it was incredible to just be in the middle of the ocean but have waves breaking all around us. It was a smaller group and all of the staff were super friendly and helpful and we met up with them later that night at this funny bar called Rhino Bar back in Cairns. We made the mistake of playing Claire’s drinking games back in the hostel before going out and were all rather toasty by the time we got to the bar and it all just went downhill from here. The highlight of the night was daring Claire to go dance with a 65 year old man who was sporting a sparkly top hat and mullet (obviously) for the price of a jagerbomb. She didn’t even hesitate. I think laughed so hard I was crying for a good 10 minutes much to the confusion of everyone around me.

Friday we groggily got up and went on a Jungle Tour! Wheeeeeee. That’s my fake excitement. Due to the previous night’s activities and complete lack of sleep (bed at 3, wake up at 5:45?) we were the least enthusiastic people on this tour. Not to mention our guide would have read the phone book out loud just to hear his own voice…and had terrible, terrible jokes. Either way, we got to go to an Animal Sanctuary and walk amongst wallabies and kangaroos-which was pretty surreal, hangover or not. Then off to the jungle for a little hike and river cruise where we saw 3 crocodiles! We all rallied to the best of our ability but everyone was in bed by 9 pm that night. We stayed at PK’s Jungle Village in Cape Tribulation, which is population 10. Really, PK’s was the center of town and it consisted of this hostel that is an old converted summer camp, a pharmacy and a small convenience store. That’s. It. So none of us felt bad crashing early…got up the next morning and walked down along the beach which was lovely. Then up to a swimming hole where we played on a rope swing and trudged upstream against rocks in search of crawfish, where there were none. After about 1:30 we were done being jungle kids and took to the goon. We were with 2 Canadian surgeons who had coincidentally been on our Reef cruise, Jungle Tour and booked into the same room at PK’s with us. They claimed they could drink anyone under the table-we proved them wrong in literally 20 minutes. The hilarity that ensued will most likely not be funny to anyone who wasn’t there, but we were dying. We had to catch a bus out of PK’s at 4:30 to get to Port Douglas—we spent the last hour in the pool, throwing me over the volleyball net, challenging an old man to play volleyball, and with the boys hitting on every girl that walked by. Solid day I would say. We got to Port Douglas and into yet another hostel, grabbed dinner and again were in bed early. Today we wandered around Port Douglas during the day—it’s a really cool resort-ish type town, reminds me of Palm Springs a lot. Then it was onto a bus to get to Cairns, grab some food, then onto the Greyhound to come down to Mission Beach. I’m sitting in the hostel right now on my laptop and just got asked if I was playing World of Warcraft. Fantastic. There is however a big pool that keeps calling my name, and you know how I hate to disappoint…Hope everyone is doing well, miss you all, I’ll write again soon!


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Super Quick Bloggywog Update

K so I have 5 minutes left on this crap computer outside of a pizza joint in Port Douglas..I only go for the classy places, obviously. I am alive contrary to popular belief and my lack of super cool aussie cell phone service...I made it to Cairns, scuba dived (dove?) on the Great Barrier Reef and saw a shark, made it to Cape Tribulation and destroyed not 1 but 2 Canadian surgeons with day drinking games and am now in Port D with Claire and Sean Kesterson. I have an obscene amount of stories, some blog worthy and some not (sorry Mom..) but just wanted to write a quick hello and wish everyone in the States a late Turkey day. I will write again soon..I know you are all on pins and needles waiting for my next update. Right? RIGHT. Don't pretend like my updates don't make you feel better about yourselves as I am the awkward travelling American..PS I just said "ok" to my computer when it told me my time was almost up. Sweet Jesus. ok everyone..miss you lots. Hope you are all doing well and not too hungover from Turkey Day..for you foreigners, its a holiday we celebrate in the States. About getting along with the Native Americans (on a side note but similar-someone asked if I was Aboriginal American the other night....mmmm no, we don't have that...) before we totally screwed them over. Anywho, time is really up now...will write again soon.


Sunday, November 22, 2009


Ok, so I've been in Melbourne for almost a week now and at first wasn't a huge fan, but it's definitely growing on me. That initial dislike may be because it has been overcast or a full blown rainstorm since I got here. I tried to explain to the weather that this was in fact part of the reason that I left Oregon, but that didn't work. My hostel is a a bit of an odd place-small rooms with only 4 beds, but very impersonal in the sense that it's much harder to meet people than it was at the hostel in Sydney.

The first day I couldn't check in until wayyy after arriving so I wandered around the city somewhat lost and out if it since I'd gotten up so early for my flight. I also made the poor decision to carry my laptop with me since I didn't want to leave it in the unsecure storage and immediately regretted that decision as my laptop weighs about as much as a fat baby after 2 hours of walking. Got back to the hostel and met my roommates- Julie from Belgium, Sharonda from Hong Kong, and Swan from Malaysia.

Julie and I clicked really well and have been walking around the city together. We got caught in a rainstorm at the Botanical Gardens and decided to give up and go see New Moon instead (all that I'm going to say about it is that it is a huge step up from the crap movie that was Twilight) and then went to the Fitzroy area the next day. It's this little boutique-ish area that just outside the CBD of Melbourne and it reminded me SO much of Portland, specifically Hawthorne area. So that was a bit trippy but cool to see another part of the city. We made friends with some English boys back at the hostel and ended up going out with them on Saturday night to this funny bar called PJ O'Briends. They played every typical American song you can think of and I impressed several old ladies with my rendition of Jessie's Girl. We were the youngest people around by about 10 years, which is how I'm constantly starting to feel here in Melbourne-its just a bit older of a crowd. And a bit hipster-ish (East Side of Portland again) which I can't decide if I like or not.

Sunday was by far my favorite day. Julie and I went to the Australian Center for the Movie Image (ACMI) which is this huge museum in the middle of town. There was this great exhibit called "screen worlds" that looks at the culture of the moving image, from video games to tv shows to special effects. It was incredibly interesting and I recognized some of the content from my film classes in Amsterdam so that was fun to have a link to something I had studied. There were two highlights of this exhibit:one being video games-I spent an hour playing Mario World (yes, on the original Nintendo) and Tetris on some ancient computer, and two: there was a whole section about Australian media culture, and Summer Hights High was featured! Yes, Ja'mie and Jonah are alive and well, they were even playing highlights of the show and apparently they have remixed "Naughty Girl" from MR. G's musical to play in clubs around Oz. If you have no idea what I'm talking about right now, do yourself a favor and stop reading this blog and go look up the show on youtube. I'll just go ahead and say you're welcome. Sunday night was the typical drink bad wine in the hostel and make fun of Americans night. I knew this time was coming and was surprised I had evaded it as long as I had, but the English boys gave me a raft of shit. One boy could not wrap his head around the idea that people in the US believe in aliens. Another just thought we were all idiots. On top of all of this, there is a huge map of the world on the wall, so I went to point out where Oregon was, and the biggest mark was Cape Disappointment in Washington. America, Fuck Yea.

Today I walked around the city and looked at tons of cool graffiti work that are in the alleys and laneways. Absolutely mindblowing that people can create these masterpieces with just some cans of paint. I took loads of pictures and will put them up once the wifi stops being moody.

It's trivia night tonight-my chance to show that Americans are not total idiots and have lots of brain space for useless knowledge. Can't wait to see how this goes..

Until next time-love and miss you all. Yes, you too Mom. Now that I know you're reading this...


Friday, November 20, 2009

Drunk Backpacker Bars=Awesome

Sooo lets see where I last left all of you...I had just navigated a trek around the beach and was heading out on the town, to one of the dirtiest bars I have ever encountered, Scubar. Get it? Scubar. I know, these Aussies really are clever. Anywho, it was a Monday so naturally the bar was overflowing with drunk kids from around the world. What else is everyone going to do on a Monday who's from out of town? The special of the night was a snakebite-beer and cider mixed with grenadine which turns the drink into a nice rosy color. Mix that with too little space and too many people and you come out covered in pink sticky liquid. Seriously, I could have licked myself drunk the next morning. I met some boys from the States, one who had gone to USD and knew a few SCU people so that was a nice small world story! The music was, for once, not crappy house but actual normal music you can dance to, so I danced for the better part of 3 hours, and did most of that by myself, jumping around the dance floor. Don't act like you're not impressed.

Tuesday was a bit rough with my dancing queen skills and hike combined-the legs were not feeling it to say the least. But I trudged onwards like any good tourist would. I went to the Aquarium and Wildlife World (again, not making this stuff up) at Darlin Harbour with a group of kids from the hostel. It was very fun and educational despite the fact that those two things are usually mutually exclusive. We got to wander in these halls that were under the water and see sharks swim over us-very trippy. I also got to see koalas and kangaroos but have still failed in my attempt to hold a koala or jump into a kangaroo's pouch...though I swear both will be accomplished before my return home. Tuesday night we went to an even seedier bar than Scubar called The Gaff. It took .2 seconds to get in the door before some creep-o Brazilian man told me he liked my hair. And guess what? He had the EXACT same haircut as me. He tried to molest me and I not so politely told him there was no way in hell I was making out with my hair twin. I did see him later in the night sucking face with someone else so I'm glad I had zero impact on his night/masculinity. We danced about the Gaff and then I spent some time talking with a very nice Aussie boy named James who had I had harassed the night before in my drunken stupor. We swapped stories about the US and Australia and the similarities and differences. He told me he kept hoping I would contradict the stereotypes he'd heard about the US (frat boys, Vegas, The South, etc.), but I was just confirming what he had already heard. The only stereotype I didn't confirm was that Americans are all fat and lazy. I took that as a compliment.

Wednesday was a day for planning and getting ready to leave Sydney! This super fun British girl, Claire, and I planned this huge 22 day trip on the East Coast. We are flying into Cairns, doing the Daintree Rainforest and Great Barrier Reef, then taking the Greyhound bus down the coast and doing the Whitsunday Islands, a canoe safari, and Fraser Island. Then on to Brisbane and back to Sydney. That should be insane and I am really, really excited about it! Wednesday was my last night so I had to pack up and say bye to everyone-it was really sad! I made some great friends over the short time that I was in Sydney but really am going to miss them and the city. Good thing I'll get a few days in December to see it again.

running out of internet---will write again soon!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ohhh Sydney

So I've been frolicking around Sydney for about 4 days now, and must say that I really really like this city. It reminds me a lot of San Francisco, with a touch of Athens and Amsterdam in the mix. I suggest you check it out if you find the time. And now for stories...this may be a longer post, but bear with me here.

I tried to go out Thursday night and made it to the pre-funk in the hostel but didn't make it to the bars as I was falling asleep standing up. Oh well. There are alot of nice, fun, cool people here from all around the world and it's so nice to chat and hear about different perspectives and ideas and what not.Except that EVERYONE thinks im about 19. real sad. A smidgen of people I have met so far:

-an English boy who has a tattoo of jebus on the cross on his upper arm "because he likes it". Is he religious? No, but he's christian. WTF??

-Funny Irish girl who was drinking everyone under the table and claimed that some Irish person somewhere in time fell out of a boat and floated because they were so boozed up. So really, it's a precautionary measure for them to be drunk. Just in case they stumble onto and then off of a boat, right?

-The most obnoxious little kid from Canada. I can't think of who to compare him too, but he thinks he is much cooler, hotter, smarter, everything than he actually is. He bored me about his grey goose bottle breaking for about 10 minutes. And how great grey goose is. And bla bla bla about grey goose. i'm sticking to burnetts out of spite from now on.

On Friday I went through the Botanical Gardens and out to the Opera House and then up through the city with friends Chelsea and Fiona. The gardens were absolutely stunning with all of the colors and funny birds, and the Opera House was teeming with tourists. I really enjoyed walking around the city as well and felt a bit like I was in New York. Friday night I went to a BBQ hosted by two gentleman that I met on CouchSurfing, Rooban and Aaron. Two absolutely fantastic guys, they invited a bunch of friends and I brought Chelsea along and we played drinking games (won flip cup and by some absurdity I made the winning shot in beer pong!), ate, and talked. Everyone at the BBQ was really funny and outgoing and I had a great time!

On Saturday a bunch of us trekked to Tamarama Beach, which is just a few beaches down from Bondi. It was a beautiful sunny day and we enjoyed some goon (really crappy boxed wine-think Franzia) and waves and laughs. Saturday night is where it gets interesting. After some socializing at the hostel a group of us headed out in Kings Cross, which is notorious for the nightlife and definitely did not disappoint. There were people everywhere. It was awesome. The first bar we hit was pretty sketchy so we left and went to a place called The World Bar which was packed, had 3 levels and 4 dance floors....of sorts. After dancing about with Fiona for an hour we decided to explore the upper levels, found a mostly empty dance room and took advantage. I was midway through doing The Vanessa (all of you know it...shake your hand across your face 3 times, then chest pump as you slowly dip down) when a rather pudgy, desperately-in-need-of-braces kid approached me. The conversation went like this:

pudgy kid: Hi, I'm Curtis. What's your name?
me: Jen
Curtis: Are you American?
me: Yes
cue Curtis beelining to kiss me. Thank God I have lightning quick reflexes and dodged it. Apparently being American is synonymous for "yes lets make out" or being easy. Super. and the conversation continued...
Curtis: So, have you got a boyfriend then? Is that why you won't kiss me?
me: Yes. Yes I do have a boyfriend.
Curtis: Well, is he more attractive than me love?
me: Yes, my (imaginary) boyfriend is more attractive than you Curtis. Sorry.
Curtis: Is he really? I don't believe you.
me: He is. He's athletic and tall and would not like you trying to kiss me.
Curtis: Is he back in the States then? It doesn't count if he's back in the States.
me: He is, and it does.
Curtis: You know he's cheating on you back in the States.
me: No, he is not (yes I defended my imaginary boyfriend)
Curtis: Yes he is, C'mon, kiss me. You know he's cheating on you if you are here and he's there.
me: Curtis, let me ask you a question..would you cheat on me if you were my boyfriend?
Curtis: Never love. I'd never cheat on you.
me: Exactly. Goodbye.

That was my cue to leave so I headed outside to meet up with some of the boys from the BBQ and ended the night at McDonalds with Fiona. Solid first real night out I would say.

Sunday we went back to the Botanical Gardens to have a little picnic and laze around. There were 2 weddings and some absolutely amazing people watching. I cannot stress enough how big mullets are here. We also had the bright idea to try to catch some of the birds (fail) but were highly entertained in the process. I had dinner back at the hostel with everyone then we went to a funny Irish bar where I spent the better of 2 hours dividing my time between figuring out if a very androgynous-looking person was either male or female (finally someone went up to her and started talking-definitely a girl) and watching a midge who was standing under the bar. I could not make this up if I tried.

We spent today walking from Bondi Beach to Coogee Beach-it's about an hour and a half trek along the coast but it was incredibly pretty. We spent the afternoon at Coogee Beach which was fantastic until a seagull pooped on my head and I had to run as fast as I could to get into the water to get it out. Awesome. I don't know how I am always the targets of birds but I'm going to start wearing hats more often. Now it's off to dinner and most likely drinks...still miss all of you! If anyone wants to come visit, feel free...

Miss all of you!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Finally Here!

Note to self (and others): Leaving the airport when you have 2 hours between landing and your next flight taking off, no matter the temptation (In N Out), especially when your first flight was late...not the greatest idea. But fun? Absolutely. My layover in LAX offered a perfect time to see Mr. Rob Healy and play quick catch up and stuff myself on In N Out. This was all going according to plan until the garage where we had parked to eat was locked and Rob had to sprint to Walgreens to get the store manager (who was busy doing work on a potential lady friend) to let the car out. Which ended up with me sprinting through the LAX airport at breakneck speed and arriving at the gate just in time to make it on board and now slightly sweaty with a 14.5 hour flight in front of me. totally worth it.

I slept through almost all of the flight so not much there.

I arrived to sun and fun in Sydney. After waiting in line to get through customs, then to get my bag, then to get out of baggage claim, I purchased a phone that makes my current one look like an iPhone (anyone who knows my phone understands the magnitude of that statement) and found my shuttle. On the way to the shuttle a nice, older, pot bellied man approached me dragging on his cigarette and asking how old I was. I said 23. He laughed. I frowned. He then said he was sorry there was such an age gap and that I was too young for him. Yup, that's right buddy, it's the age in this situation thats keeping us apart. Not your yellowing teeth or slight stench of BO mixed with sunscreen thats the problem...Go Australia.

MY hostel is nice little building in the Pott's Point area of Sydney, right by King's Cross which is known for it's nightlife. I met two very sweet girls upon arriving, Fiona from Belgium and Chelsea from San Diego, and after a quick shower and purchase of necessities we made our way to Bondi Beach. I spent the afternoon lounging in the sun, frolicking in the water and doing some of the best people watching I have done in a while. Mullets are a big thing here.

Now its off to shower, rest and get ready for the night...hope everyone is doing well back home and in their respective areas of the country, I miss you all!


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Here Goes Nothing...

I figured I would give this little blog thing a try before I left on my adventure. I'm in the PDX Airport and since arriving here I have had some mumbling, odd looking man try to commandeer my bag in hopes of a tip (seriously he wanted to wheel the stupid thing 30 feet and got mad when I said I'd do it myself) and I really don't even know if he worked at the airport or not. I also was conned into signing up for a free credit card (joke's on them, no one wants to give me a credit card) with the bonus of a free flight anywhere in the US--so, who wants me come New Years? Any takers? I was compensated for my form filling out time with a nice head rest pillow and super cool alarm clock/calculator. I ride in style, duh. I think I paced up and down in front of the Rogue Brewery for a solid five minutes trying to decide whether I should start my travel experience off with a celebratory drink. I decided against it and am now not really sure why, perhaps my mind will change in LA. I did, however, purchase a "rip city" shirt so all of you Blazer fans-look for me on the Fans Around the World segment they do during Blazer games, I am going to win whatever it is that they give away for that. Just don't tell them I pre-planned this, it seems much cooler if they think I was just spontaneously in Australia with my Blazer love showing.

Ok planes about to take off....I promise these posts will get better once I actually have something about my trip to write about.

And yes, sadly, I miss you all already. I'm hoping that changes with Australian accents and summer in November.